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Last updated: 3 months ago

Exposure to THC and CBD During Pregnancy

Exposure to THC and CBD during pregnancy can cause significant neurological issues in your unborn child.

As the push across the country to legalize and normalize the use of cannabis continues, so does its use across all demographics, including pregnant women.

Many expectant moms are turning to cannabis to ease pregnancy-related discomforts such as morning sickness, anxiety or stress, and pain, believing it to be safe.

A recent study published in the journal Neurobiology of Disease has found that prenatal exposure to cannabis, particularly its primary components Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), can have significant long-term effects on brain development and behavior in laboratory rats, suggesting the use of cannabis during pregnancy can have detrimental effects on a woman’s unborn child, including behavior and brain development.

While it has been widely believed CBD has no effects on unborn children during pregnancy, and that the use of CBD will counteract the effects of THC, this study proves both of these theories untrue.

CBD use while pregnant leads to its own notable effects during adolescence and combining it with THC does not help counteract THC’s effects.

The study found when rats were exposed to either CBD, THC, or both, it resulted in lower birth rate, behavioral changes, and disordered neuronal functioning in crucial brain areas.

It is widely recognized that the use of cannabis can disrupt the endocannabinoid system.

The endocannabinoid system helps balance and regulate important bodily functions and is important in early brain development.

Exposure to THC and CBD During Pregnancy

Disrupting this system can result in long-term neurodevelopment ramifications.

During the study, pregnant rats were administered THC, CBD, or both daily starting at seven days gestation. The amount they were given corresponded to levels of these drugs found in human embryos during pregnancy.

After the rats were born, their development, brain weight, and body weight were followed.

When the rats became adolescent age, they were administered several tests to gauge their cognition, anxiety level, interactions socially, and sensorimotor gating. Sensorimotor gating is a neural process which filters out irrelevant or redundant sensory and cognitive information before it reaches higher order processing and responses.

Findings showed much lower birth weights.

However, by the time they reached adolescence, their bodies and brains had caught up with those who didn’t receive cannabis.

Nevertheless, having to “catch up” has been connected with cardiovascular and metabolic issues as they grow older.

There were also differences found between males and females.

Male rats who had both THC and CBD showed more impulsive behavior.

Female rats who had both showed more anxiety.

Both sexes showed social recognition and memory difficulties, with females being more affected by CBD and males being more affected by THC.

It was also found neuronal activity was affected—more so in males than females. Neuronal activity is the constant electrical and chemical signals which neurons in your brain generate and transmit.

In both males and females, there was less firing frequency and bursting activity of pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex.

The risks of cannabis use while you are pregnant found in previous studies include:

  • Premature birth
  • Low birth weight
  • Developmental delays, including brain development
  • Behavioral and cognitive issues, including memory, attention, and learning
  • Neurodevelopmental effects, affecting the central nervous system, which can affect behavior and emotional regulation in the long term

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What does all this mean?

These findings challenge the conception of cannabis as a safe option during pregnancy.

In light of this research—and previous studies—our conclusion at Sanctuary Clinics is that the use of THC, CBD, or a combination of both while you are pregnant can cause long-term behavioral changes and damaged brain activity in your child.

THC and CBD have the ability, as you use it, to cross the placenta to your child. Cannabis use can significantly impact your child’s neurodevelopment.

Exposure to THC and CBD During Pregnancy

Why risk it?

Just as smoking isn’t good for your unborn child’s health, marijuana use isn’t either.

If you or someone you love is pregnant and considering using cannabis, please urge them to educate themselves.

More importantly, urge them to contact their doctor for personalized care.

The long-term health and well-being of your child, or grandchild—the next generation—depends on our wising up and acting responsibly.

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