Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder treament


What is a Bipolar Treatment Center?

Bipolar treatment centers specialize in medically assessing patients, helping them properly diagnose and determine the best course of treatment, medications, and therapies for their illness.

Reputable treatment programs offer a safe, supportive environment and qualified professionals to help those suffering with bipolar disorder, with or without concurrent substance use or addiction concerns, find relief.

What is bipolar disorder?

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Emotional highs and lows are a normal part of life. Getting excited when things go well, or becoming discouraged when things go awry, is nothing to be alarmed about. For those suffering with bipolar disorder, however, emotional highs and lows become much more extreme—and often occur randomly.

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Bipolar disorder is a serious mental health concern.

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Classified under the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), bipolar disorder is a mood disorder usually characterized by episodes of mania, hypomania, and major depression.

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Typically, bipolar disorder is experienced as a fluctuation between opposing ends of the mood spectrum, thus the name bipolar.

Types of Bipolar disorder

There are Many Types of Alcohol Addiction Centers,
Some of Which Include

There are Many Types of Alcohol Addiction Centers, Some of Which Include

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Bipolar I disorder

Patients with a history of at least one episode of mania

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Bipolar II disorder

Patients with at least one episode of hypomania, at least one episode of major depression and no history of manic episodes

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Cyclothymic disorder

Diagnosed in patients with periods of hypomanic symptoms and depressive symptoms that fall short of meeting the criteria for hypomanic or major depressive symptoms

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Substance induced bipolar disorder

Another less common subtype.

Signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder

Typically, mental health professionals are look for manic behavior as a key to identifying bipolar disorder in patients. Here are seven manic symptoms to look for:

  • Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
  • Decreased sleep; rested after only a few hours of sleep
  • More talkative or feeling pressure to keep talking
  • Racing thoughts and ideas
  • Distractibility; attention easily drawn to unimportant things
  • Increased goal-directed activity or psycho-motor agitation
  • Excessive involvement in pleasure activities that have high potential for painful consequences (unrestrained shopping, buying, sexual indiscretion, business investment, etc.)

Does any of this look familiar? If you or someone you love suffers,
you’re not alone. Bipolar disorder affects 5.7 million American adults, or
about 2.6% of the U.S. population 18 and older. But it is important to seek
help right away. Sanctuary Clinics is the first and only Christian
bipolar treatment center of its kind. We can help!

Does any of this look familiar? If you or someone you love suffers, you’re not alone. Bipolar disorder affects 5.7 million American adults, or about 2.6% of the U.S. population 18 and older. But it is important to seek help right away. Sanctuary Clinics is the first and only Christian bipolar treatment center of its kind. We can help!

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Causes of bipolar disorder

Despite the abundance of research and amassed knowledge on this illness, the pathogenesis is not clearly understood—no one knows exactly what causes bipolar disorder.

Research suggests that a combination of factors could increase your chance of developing it.

These include physical, environmental, and social conditions, such as:

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Childhood trauma

Research suggests that individuals who experienced a lot of emotional distress as a child are more susceptible to developing bipolar disorder. These traumatic experiences may include things like neglect, emotional, physical or sexual abuse, trauma, or loss

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Stressful life events

Research suggests stress can trigger mood episodes and/or make symptoms more intense and difficult to manage. Common stressors include relationship breakdowns, home, career or financial pressures, trauma and loss.

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Brain chemistry

Evidence demonstrates that bipolar disorder can be effectively treated with psychiatric medications which act on neurotransmitters in the brain. This suggests that brain chemistry can be a contributing factor in developing bipolar disorder.

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Family history

Research indicates that people who suffer from bipolar disorder often have a family member who has experienced bipolar moods and symptoms. While no ‘bipolar gene’ has been identified, statistics do suggest a family link.

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Medications, drugs, and alcohol

substance abuse is often linked to irregularities in mood and behavior.

Can bipolar disorder be cured?

Bipolar disorder is a chronic mental illness that requires lifetime management and follow up. There is presently no cure. But bipolar disorder can be successfully treated and its symptoms managed, allowing for a normal and productive life.

Types of bipolar treatment center services

Treatment is essential for sufferers to live a normal, functional life. Qualified and experienced mental health professionals treat bipolar disorder with the latest in medications and psychotherapy to bring about and maintain mood stabilization.


Medicines used target the specific mood episode and aim to provide mood
stability over a long period of time. Pharmacotherapy used include

Medicines used target the specific mood episode and aim to provide mood stability over a long period of time. Pharmacotherapy used include

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Mood stabilizer drugs
such as Lithium

Mood stabilizer drugs such as Lithium

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Antipsychotic drugs such as Olanzapine,
Risperidone & Aripiprazole

Antipsychotic drugs such as Olanzapine, Risperidone & Aripiprazole

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Anti-seizure drugs such as Valproate
& Carbamazepine

Anti-seizure drugs such as Valproate & Carbamazepine


Talk therapy helps people living with bipolar disorder understand their condition, adhere to medication and hopefully prevent mood episodes by tackling the psychosocial stressors present. It is usually used adjunctively to medication. Psychotherapy seeks to:

  • Educate patients about their illness, including symptoms, course of disease and treatment options
  • Enhance acceptance of diagnosis and adherence to medication
  • Promote self-management e.g. adopting daily routines, being physically active and working on keeping healthy relationships.
  • Help them manage stress and develop plans to cope with crisis
  • Avoid potentially mood destabilizing activities such as alcohol misuse or drug abuseCognitive-behavior Therapy (CBT) is mostly selected as the mode of therapy as it has been most widely studied and available. The clinician may however choose other specific types of Psychotherapy to be offered based on the patient’s need. Other therapies available include Family therapy, Interpersonal Psychotherapy or Group Therapy.

Sanctuary Clinics treats bipolar disorder holistically, addressing each
patient’s needs mind, body, and spirit, bringing together the very latest
in neuroscience and evidence-based medical and therapeutic interventions,
all in the context of authentic Christian community—many of
our doctors, therapists, and staff live on campus with our patients.
Sanctuary Clinics: truly one-of-a-kind in bipolar disorder treatment center. Come see for yourself.

Sanctuary Clinics treats bipolar disorder holistically, addressing each patient’s needs mind, body, and spirit, bringing together the very latest in neuroscience and evidence-based medical and therapeutic interventions, all in the context of authentic Christian community—many of our doctors, therapists, and staff live on campus with our patients. Sanctuary Clinics: truly one-of-a-kind in bipolar disorder treatment center. Come see for yourself.

How do you treat bipolar
disorder on your own?

How do you treat bipolar disorder on your own?

While coping with the symptoms of bipolar disorder through self-care is theoretically possible, it can be incredibly challenging.

As medications and therapy are evidence-based methods of treatment, at some point you’ll likely need professional consultation. This doesn’t mean that you couldn’t or shouldn’t be an active participant in formulating and carrying out your treatment plan. Still, bipolar disorder is a serious mental health concern.

Seeking out a treatment program that meets your needs is the best option.

Can you treat bipolar disorder
without medication?

Can you treat bipolar disorder without medication

Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition.

There is no medicine to cure bipolar disorder, only medications that help ease some of its harsher symptoms. Should you desire not to use medications, there are natural and alternative strategies to explore, but do so realizing you may encounter greater difficulty with your symptoms, complicating your treatment process.

The very best plan is to speak with a mental health professional to review all the options and map out a treatment plan that best meets your specific needs.

The benefits of bipolar treatment center

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The intense highs and desperate lows of bipolar disorder can make life incredibly difficult.

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Getting help from licensed and qualified mental health professionals with particular expertise in treating bipolar disorder patients is key.

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Treatment programs that offer not only the doctors, therapists, and staff to meet your needs, but also provides a safe and supportive environment in which to reside during treatment is the very best option.

Sanctuary Clinics Bipolar Treatment
Program in Florida

Sanctuary Clinics Bipolar Treatment Program in Florida

Sanctuary Clinics is the first and only Christian bipolar treatment program of its kind—offering Bible-based, Christ-centered, holistic and evidence-based treatment in a serene, secluded healing environment, moving beyond symptoms to address underlying issues and concerns, all within the context of genuine Christian community.

At Sanctuary, many of your docs, therapists, and staff reside on campus together with our patients, sharing daily life in the community.

It has proven to be a most effective healing model of care.

Don’t allow bipolar disorder to define you.

What happens if bipolar
goes untreated?

What happens if bipolar goes untreated?

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When left untreated, bipolar disorder
symptoms generally worsen.

When left untreated, bipolar disorder symptoms generally worsen.

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Episodes may become more frequent,
more intense, and more disabling.

Episodes may become more frequent, more intense, and more disabling.

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Bipolar’s effects can result in personal, professional, and emotional problems that compound over time, increased suicide ideation and a greater risk of suicide.

Why would you allow your bipolar
disorder go untreated when
treatment works?

Why would you allow your bipolar disorder go untreated when treatment works?

With treatment, it is possible to control the symptoms of your bipolar disorder and enjoy a stable and fulfilling life!

Bipolar treatment center FAQS

What makes Sanctuary Clinic different and more effective than other programs?


What is bipolar disorder?

Classified under the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), bipolar disorder is a mood disorder usually characterized by episodes of mania, hypomania, and major depression.

Typically, bipolar disorder is experienced as a fluctuation between opposing ends of the mood spectrum, thus the name bipolar.


How prevalent is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder affects approximately 3 to 5% of the adult population and is equally distributed between men and women.


What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

Symptoms of depression include:

  • Sad mood
  • Preoccupation with failures or inadequacies
  • Loss of self-esteem
  • Slowed thinking, forgetfulness
  • Difficulties in concentrating and in making decisions
  • Loss of interest in work, hobbies, people
  • Social isolation
  • Lethargy or agitation
  • Changes in appetite—eating too little or too much
  • Oversleeping or insomnia
  • Decreased sexual drive
  • Suicidal thoughts

Symptoms of mania include:

  • Elevated, expansive mood
  • Extreme irritability
  • Rapid, unpredictable emotional changes
  • Racing thoughts, flights of ideas
  • Overreaction to stimuli
  • Misinterpretation of events
  • Increased interest in activities
  • Overspending
  • Sense of grandiosity, inflated self-esteem
  • Excessive energy
  • Decreased need for sleep
  • Increased sexual drive, sexual indiscretions
  • Poor judgment


Can bipolar disorder be cured?

Bipolar disorder is a chronic mental illness that requires lifetime management and follow up.

There is presently no cure. But bipolar disorder can be successfully treated and its symptoms managed, allowing for a normal and productive life.


What are the treatment options for bipolar disorder?

The most common forms of treatment for bipolar depression and mania are medication (mainly mood stabilizers) and psychotherapy, used alone or in combination with other treatments.

We are here to help! CALL (850) 935-3637